I think I'm ready to die now,
Something about it feels right,
I don't think that I much care how,
But I'm ready for it tonight.
I've tried being okay,
and I've had some success,
But the memories replay,
And my head is a painful mess.
We all have a light that blinks,
My light has been out a while,
I tried to numb it with drinks,
It burns my throat up like bile.
At once point I was fixed,
And everything seemed so good,
Then it all got so mixed,
Now the air burns me up like wood.
Drugs seemed like a grace,
Hell was I wrong there,
Not much left to save face,
I hurt everyone that care.
They say people come and go,
But I've lost so many now,
I don't think they'll be back though,
Deaths too permanent some how.
Life carries on going,
But I've decided to stay still,
I know I'm ready to die now,
And I would die on this hill.